

Give me your arms,

so I may rest a little.
I am lying in air.
I am dressed in air.
I don’t have enough air.
Give me one drop of water,
one handful of road
and one blink of sleep,
don’t give me love,
I don’t have enough air anyway,
I’ve told you haven’t I?
Give me the rest of my life,
I will carry it as I want to,
I will lug it – if I want,
I will fly it – if I want,
I will throw it away – if I want,
give it to me, or I don’t have enough of myself
or enough air.
Give me my eyes,
exhausted from gazing on you.
What’s left is for you
so you’ll never miss me
because the missing
has become so cruel,
nothing else.
Give me your arms,
so I may rest a little.
I am lying in air,
I am dressed in air.
I don’t have enough air.